I am a Lobbyist

I am a Lobbyist

I am a Lobbyist!

Yep! That’s right; I am that person that makes the news, the high-rolling, cigar smoking, and entertainment providing influence peddler.  I am that person that makes the 10PM broadcast as the purveyor of favors and influence to the detriment of the honest citizens of the state.  I am the mouthpiece, advocacy engineer, special interests agent, and power broker.

I am a lobbyist.

The name, lobbyist, came from a statement made by President Grant in 1867 during his presidency. At the end of the day he would retire to the lobby of the Willard Hotel in Washington D.C. and enjoy his favorite refreshment. Individuals knowing that they could approach the President to brief him on their issues, requests or favors.  These people he called lobbyists.

Lobbyists know the legislative process.

I know how the system works.  I take that knowledge and work with citizens, associations and business, integrating them into the legislative main stream which in turn permits them to assist in the development and implementation of public policy.  

Lobbyists are relationship builders.  

I am a conduit for getting people in front of their legislator. I have the relationships which allow for direct access to the policy makers. This reduces the investment necessary when people want to get in front of legislators quickly, bypassing the normal time it takes for access to the official.

Lobbyists are an integral part of the political and legislative process.  

Whether people like I or not, I am a requirement for the democratic process to work within our participatory democracy. I provide opportunity and access to citizens. I give citizens, associations, businesses direct access to the people they elected, the public policy makers.  

I am the guy they hire to help them network and connect with the people they elected.

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