The Five Keys for a Successful Political Transition

By Corky Kyle, MPA, CAE

With every new election, there is a degree of uncertainty to the status quo. New legislators, new leadership, new procedures, and new agendas are introduced to the process.  Relationships change, issues change, and the types of public policy that become important to the policy makers materialize. How you operate in this uncertain environment becomes pivotal to every public policy professional. These five keys will help you make the transition.

Key #1: Having strong relationships with returning legislators helps with this transition.  They can share information about new legislators which allows you to reach out and begin building the relationships to work within the new environment.

Key #2: Introduce yourself to the new staff members of the legislators. They will provide you with the information resources that you can use during the legislative session and beyond.

Key #3: Check with House and Senate staff members about policy and rule changes initiated by leadership will help in the understanding of how the internal rules will work during the session.

Key #4: Meet one on one with legislators. This will provide needed insight into building new relationships and begin to shape the subtle nuances of how they want to work with you.

Key #5: Talk to your colleagues. Share information, ask them what their experiences have been, and what they have found to work for them when working with individual legislators.

Change is constant in the political arena and managing it to your advantage will allow you to overcome obstacles as you begin be feel more comfortable in the new environment.  It is up to you to maintain your effectiveness for your clients. Having this set of keys will ensure that. 

Corky Kyle with Gov. Jared Polis & Dr. Gordon Rheaume
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